Celebrating Earth Day & International Children's Day


Every year, on earth day we are reminded of our connectedness to not just our people communities, but also our physical community, our Earth, and how our individual actions and choices today directly impact us and our own environment tomorrow and for generations to come.

As the Bay Area Turkish Society, we brought together images of the past years of Children’s Festivals we hosted for our community in the Bay Area with the hopes that they will bring a smile to your faces and a ray of sunshine to your day.

In Turkey on April 23rd, we celebrate “Ulusal Egemenlik ve Cocuk Bayrami.”

On this day, we also wanted to share this lovely article which is beautifully illustrated in New York Times about Climate Change.

Here is to a future that is sustainable, clean and peaceful for all the children in our world.


We wish you a happy, fulfilling, and heartfelt International Children’s Day!