Every semester we learn new things, together as a community.

This semester is the first time our school will be offering a Folk Dance class with our new instructor Mehmet Unal. We are super excited, and looking forward to our new folk dance group which is forming from our parents as well as the little ones in Magnolia class.

In an effort to have well functioning class time, we have implemented a set of new initiatives.  We saw immediate positive results in the classroom so we will continue to follow suit with the implementation the remainder of the semester. We thank all of our parents for participating and supporting us on this. Here are the new initiatives:

  • Children line up int he hallway by 10 AM,  and each classroom teacher greets their students as they enter their classroom. 
  • Magnolia class begins their session with a mindfulness session by Irem Radzik
  • In order to not interrupt the flow of the class we have asked our parents who arrive after 10:15 to wait outside until the next entry time to enter the class.
  • In order to better integrate our library to our curriculum, during class time students will share the books they read and they will sign out new ones.

We also welcome our new teacher aid for the Magnolia class  Pelin Bektur. 

Here are some photos from our day.
